
How To Write A Lifestyle Blog

Learning how to set off a modus vivendi web log can be life-changing for you. Non only would you have the opportunity to parcel your life experiences, passions, and insights, but you'd also bring to learn a great deal from your readers. After all, many blog readers delight sharing their own takes on unique topics and discussions – that's just one of galore reasons why IT buttocks be enlightening to make a blog.

Of course, running life style blogs can comprise quite an a lucrative enterprise as well, whether you're doing it as a hobby or planning to arrive your primary germ of income.

Only, you have to do it right. Fortuitously, it's untold easier than you may think. With some guidance and dedication, you'll master the art of blogging in no time, and we'll help oneself you every step of the direction.

So, deterrent out this thorough guide how to start a lifestyle blog for beginners. IT's divided into cardinal easy-to-digest steps that'll assistanc you become a pro.

Table of contents

  • Step out #1: Decide on your niche
  • Step #2: Select your blogging platform
  • Step #3: Appoint your blog
  • Step #4: Get hosted
  • Step #5: Launch your blog on WordPress
  • Step #6: Set the theme
  • Step #7: Publish and promote
  • Step #8: Turn a profit
  • Takeaway

Step #1: Decide happening your niche

Whether you're wondering how to bulge a life-style blog on Instagram or any different platform, the initiative is always the same. You take to come up up with your unique selling sharpen. And this starts with decisive your niche.

Simply "life-style" is a broad topic that wish make information technology unenviable for your blog to stand for out among countless others. Today, there are well over 600 million blogs online. Learning how to start a lifestyle web log in 2021 is quite different than it was in the youth of blogging.

In 2010, e.g., you could've succeeded with a very unspecialized topic as a blogger. A decade later, and you need to have a very limited niche to move forward and stand out.

With a suitable recess and a narrower focus, you'll have an easier time coming up with relevant topics, attracting your target audience, and outperforming verbatim competitors. Overall, you'll simplify your blogging experience by making a smart choice now.

How to retrieve your lifestyle blog niche?

Well-nig blogging beginners experience few challenges finding a right niche. However, it doesn't have to Be whol that demanding. You plainly need to solvent a few questions:

  • What are your skills and interests?
    You cannot hope to learn how to start a lifestyle blog and give money from it if you have nobelium interest group in it. You'll likely spend years working on your web log, promoting it, assemblage readers, and more. So, if you're not skilled or passionate virtually the theme of your choosing, spouting your blog will become an exhausting chore.   Narrow down your lifestyle niche past focusing on your possess skills and interests, the last mentioned mayhap organism more important. If you are concerned in something, you'll find it much easier to level up your at issue skills. Your passion for the topic will agitate you forward and supporte you to stay divine and centralized.
  • Who is your target interview?
    Answering this question will facilitate you to develop a single brand image, tone, and comprehensive approach to blogging. Think very carefully about who your target consultation is. What are their hobbies, interests, and personalities? Is your ideal reader a college student or perhaps a businessperson? How old are they and where do they live? Are they affluent individuals or troubled artists?   Be very specific close to your target readers. You lav go thus far as to visualise a specific soul with a particular name. "My reader is Emma. She's 28 years sunset, whole kit and boodle at a marketing company, and lives in Boston. She likes cooking and spending time with her dearie European nation bulldog." When you own a specific target reader in psyche, you'll find it easier to compose and express yourself in a fashio that would appeal to them. If your actual readers swerve away from what you've unreal, you put up easily adapt your go about to suit them.
  • Why would your target interview be interested in recitation your blog?
    Finally, you'll need to think about why your target readers mightiness be interested in your modus vivendi blogs. Do you hold something of value to offer them? Some unique insights and info? Stool you perhaps figure out some of the problems that your readers are promising to encounter?

The best lifestyle blogs testament have a unique marketing point that's appealing to their target audience, and that piques their interest. You'll have no trouble forthcoming up with a relevant niche once you've answered these three crucial questions.

Usually covered topics connected lifestyle blogs

Of naturally, you can also find a suitable niche by checking out some of the most ordinary modus vivendi topics:

  • Beauty
  • Self-Care
  • Fashion
  • Health &A; Fitness
  • Motherhood
  • Family
  • Food
  • Hobbies
  • Domestic Decor
  • Trip

Since these are the most common lifestyle blog topics, you'll find fierce rival there. So, if any of these topics resonate with you, be sure to give them an intriguing twine or provide a different position.

Examples of favourite lifestyle blogs

Before you get to work and start publishing modus vivendi blogs, it's always a good idea to do some research and find out what others in your niche are doing. This will help you to draw inspiration and develop a distinct brand voice.

We've gathered some of the most popular lifestyle blogs across niches, thus check them out.

  • The EveryGirl – The EveryGirl is a uncomparable lifestyle blog that aims to inspire and encourage women of all backgrounds. On the site, you'll find educational webinars, finance tips, cookery tips, and more. It stands out as a one-stop-sta for women who ask a little bit of steering about just about anything.
  • Say Yes – Say Yes is a family-themed lifestyle blog that covers topics as diverse as home decor and keeping your food energizing for thirster. What makes it unique is the friendly and familiar tone of voice that makes you feel like from each one clause was written just for you.
  • The Financial Diet – The Financial Dieting covers a little morsel of everything but mostly focuses on finance and budgeting topics. It's a point where women hind end headland to acquire more or so keeping their finances in order and maintaining a amended work-life balance.
  • A Cup of Jo – This is a family lifestyle web log that shares articles covering motherhood, parenting, traveling, and more. The pieces are riveting and lighthearted, but what makes this blog unequaled is that Jo regularly engages with her readers in the comment section. She uses comments to shake up discussions, allow for additional selective information, or only to enlarge on her articles.

Step #2: Select your blogging political platform

Much web growth skills lavatory represent quite reclaimable when you're figuring out how to take up a lifestyle blog. Only, you don't have to spend age learning how to code. All you need is a time-tested blogging platform. It will enable you to easy manage, publish, and edit the content on your site, without any prior programming cognition.

You stimulate several quick-made blog sites and content direction systems at your electric pig such as WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.

Regardless of which blogging platform you choose, you'll have to decide whether you neediness complimentary web hosting or an ASCII text file self-hosted blog.

Loos web hosting

Free web hosting is exactly what it sounds like – a unbound serving that provides you with the tools to launch your website. The best examples of free web hosting platforms are and

You'll acquire access to all of the canonic features, themes, gadgets, and templates, only there are a few drawbacks.

While you tin choose the advert for your life style blogs, your domain figure would appear as [yourwebsitename] or [yourwebsitename] If you want to choose your domain describ or habituate any advanced features, you'll want to upgrade.

Going for the free web hosting option will also bring some else limitations. You'll have limited storage, U-boat-best bandwidth allocation, and you'll have no say in A.D. choice and placement. Boilersuit, information technology's not the unsurpassed option, merely IT derriere be a good place to start.

ASCII text file self-hosted blog

An ASCII text file individual-hosted web log is a much better alternative. You'll have full hold over your blog, and you can customize it however you look-alike – choose your domain epithet, decide on ad placement (if you want ads at all), get all of the plugins you need, enjoy amend back-awake, and selling.

We highly commend victimisation the self-hosted setup and our top recommendation is referable its abundance of features. Your WordPress blog will represent well customizable. You put up add high-quality media, download thousands of utile plugins, and try and then many liberate themes.

When creating a self-hosted WordPress lifestyle web log, you'll have to pick out your hosting supplier, and of course, your domain diagnose. The uncomparable hosting provider, by far, is Bluehost. Information technology powers over 2 million websites and is an excellent option for beginners and pros similar.

Step #3: Name your blog

Piece the name isn't the most important aspect of your lifestyle blogs, information technology's still necessary to think carefully about it. After completely, IT's likely the first thing your readers bequeath notice, so you want it to act almost like your brand embassador.

Keep open the figure:

  • Short
  • Unforgettable
  • Unique
  • Easy to patc and enunciate

It needs to resonate with your audiences, thusly piddle for sure to pick a good web log name.

The annual price for a name typically goes between $10 and $15 per .com demesne. Our popular demesne hosting service for life-style blogs is Bluehost. You can choose your domain name for free of, use one you already ingest, or simply come up with one subsequent, just before you launch your blog.

Advisable tool:

Footfall #4: Get hosted

Lifestyle blogs don't just ice-cream soda around in the ether. Everything that exists on the internet needs to be stored on a server thusly that it's accessible for viewing at some time. Since it's broadly speaking difficult (and not to advert valuable) to create your have servers, you need to outsource your hosting of necessity.

Entanglement hosting enables you to rent or bargain a space where you'll house your blog. You'll get access to servers, data centers, and concomitant services that allow your blog to live online and be connected to the internet.

The best entanglement hosting provider that is symmetrical recommended by WordPress is Bluehost.

Wordpress recommends Bluehost hosting

It offers a free domain name in the beginning yr when you buy their services and a thirty-twenty-four hour period money-back guarantee.

Our readers can get under one's skin a particular discount offer and use Bluehost at a terms of sole $2.75.

Step #5: Launch your blog happening WordPress

Now we'll go through the tone-by-step process of how to start a lifestyle blog on WordPress direct Bluehost. It's all simple and straightforward, and you simply need to follow on.

Visit Bluehost home page

Bluehost get started button

Go to to begin the process. Click on the "Get Started Like a sho" button, and follow the stairs.

Bluehost hosting plans

You'll first have to take your hosting plan. You'll have quadruplet options to choose from, each with various price tags and features. Consider them with kid gloves before you continue.

The basic plan offers you everything you need to get started with your lifestyle blogs. However, we'd recommend Choice Plus if it's in your budget. The additional features are well worth it.

Choose your field name

Bluehost set up domain name

The succeeding step is choosing your domain name. As mentioned, you can usance a mar new united, choose same you already own, or follow back to that tardive. Don't wee any rushed decisions as your name leave be the first thing your readers will acknowledge.

Register with Bluehost

Account information

Once you're done with the domain name, you'll be taken to the following step, where you seat choose to ADHD/remove additional tools from your cart. Mouse click "Continue" to register with Bluehost.

Pick your hosting package

Bluehost packages

You can choose the length of your hosting package. Your options are 1, 2, or 3 years. Spell the first cost of a 1-class plan is the cheapest, you'll get the world-class savings with a 3-year plan.

Software program extras

Bluehost package extras

If you want any extras with your package, now's the time to opt them. You can include Domain Privacy Protection for $0.99 a month, which will hide your physical info from the globular database. Keep in mind that you potty always add these later.

Fill out payment info

Bluehost payment information

You'll now have to fill in your billing and payment information. It's a straight process and requires only basic information.

Make over your account

Bluehost create your account

Double-check the information you've entered, and dawn on "Buy Now" to go to the succeeding step. To create your account, you'll need to follow quaternary steps:

  1. Go to "Create Your Account"
  2. Enter your password
  3. Click on the "Go to login" push
  4. Record "Electronic mail surgery Domain Call" and "Parole"

That's it. You've created your account statement, and now you can progress to create your WordPress lifestyle blog.

Plunge your WordPress life-style web log with Bluehost

Once you've logged in to your Bluehost account, you'll demand to follow a few additional steps to create your WordPress blog.

  • Answer the three questions about your blog. You'll need to nail down what benignant of place you're creating, what type, and World Health Organization you're creating it for.
    Bluehost create a website step 1
  • Filling what features you'd alike to add to your internet site. You'll have options so much as "web log", "active ME", "store", "logotype", and "resume", so choose what you take.
    Bluehost create a website step 2
  • Fill in additive information about your new site. You can skip this tone if you want to, simply it can atomic number 4 useful. Answer what you want to name your web site, come up with your site's tagline, and fix how comfortable you are with creating websites.
    Bluehost create a website step 3
  • At long last, you can choose your report. If you get into't check anything you look-alike, just skip this step. You can always change your theme Oregon come back thereto later, so don't stress.
    Bluehost create a website step 4

Once you've completed (or skipped) these four steps, just click connected the "Launch My Locate" button.

Kudos! Your blog is right away live, and you can customise and edit it as very much like you'd like.

Bluehost hosting account panel

Step #6: Set the theme

If you need to learn how to kickoff a modus vivendi blog and make money, you also need to ascertain how to layout and design a lifestyle blog. You want a visually attractive design that will pull your target readers and reflect your personal preferences.

Luckily, at that place are thousands of free and paid themes you behind choose from on You'll ascertain them inside your WordPress dashboard under "Visual aspect".

Recollect that each motif will customize a flake differently, so IT's a good idea to check out a few contrastive ones. When selecting your motif, e'er be sure to:

  • Trailer the theme before activating it
  • Check the features it comes with
  • Get a load at the ratings

The vaporous number of forthcoming themes on can be overwhelming, but don't worry. You can always vary the musical theme later if you want, so IT's non a serious commitment.

What are good WordPress themes for a lifestyle web log?

To help you choose a theme for your lifestyle blogs, we've compiled a list of some of the most interesting ones. They come with unique features that hind end certainly make your blog jump out.

Tripster – Price: $59

Ideal for travel and lifestyle blogs.

  • Modern and minimalist innovation
  • Intuitive
  • Supports useful plugins
  • Features adaptive images
  • Cryptocurrency payment options

Pura Vida – Price: $49

A perfect alternative for healthy lifestyle blogs.

  • Mobile-optimized
  • Has WooCommerce integration
  • Streamlined layout
  • Easily customizable

EnVogue – Toll: $49

Stylish and feminine, a great fit for fashion life-style blogs.

  • Multiple homepage layouts
  • Attention-getting fonts
  • Animated varlet transitions
  • Custom gregarious media widgets

Wanderic – Price: $59

Boldface and edgy, best suited for travel and adventure blogs.

  • Exploiter-friendly
  • Intuitive interface
  • SEO optimized
  • Additional gubbins areas

Sølvi – Price: $49

An elegant theme designed for fashion lifestyle blogs.

  • Minimalistic yet flexible
  • Six different post styles
  • Easily customizable
  • Fully responsive

All of these themes are fully customizable and enable you to appealingness to your audiences in a unique way. Deterrent them out, and see whether any of them resonate with you.

Accessorize your web log – add plugins

If at that place's one thing your lifestyle blog truly needs, it's plugins! Without them, your blog will be goose egg more than a simple page full with blocks of text.

You need the right hand plugins to make your site appealing and multipurpose to readers. You don't have to include every unwedded plugin you come across, just there are few essentials. Here are our circus tent five options for all lifestyle blogs:

WordPress Editorial Calendar – Price: Free

Newspaper column Calendar gives you a clear overview of your posting schedule. It enables you to stay on exceed of your posts, schedule and manage them, and blue-pencil as needed. With a simple drag-and-drop choice, you can deal your blog with ease.

Akismet – Price: Free

Akismet is an anti-Spam plugin that will help you prevent malicious content on your internet site. It will permeate all comments that look wish Spam and deflect the pessimal ones. You'll e'er be able to see a gossip's status history, impart invisible and misleading links, and more. Information technology's a must-have for all blogs, not just lifestyle ones.

Jetpack – Price: Free

Jetpack is an essential plugin that overlooks your security measur and site performance. IT prevents unaccredited logins, monitors site downtime, offers deuce-factor authentication, provides code scanning, and more.

Yoast SEO – Price: Free

This plugin helps you with SEO and aims to improve your blog's ranking on search engines. It's the best tool to usage to cost increase your organic fertilizer merchandising. It offers templates for meta titles and descriptions, offers advanced XML sitemap functionality, sets canonical URLs, and offers thorough SEO analytic thinking.

WP Recipe Maker – Price: Free

While not essential for every blog, WP Recipe Maker is an absolute must for food life style blogs. You tail also exercise it for non-intellectual nourishment instructions. It's compatible with Yoast SEO, allows you to include recipe videos, and features easy workflow.

Now, you're all arrange to bulge out publishing your posts and attracting audiences. Keep in mind that you won't get millions of readers all-night. To succeed, you pauperization patience, allegiance, and a dearest for blogging.

Publish about the things you love and revel doing

It's organic that you have a neat mania for what you're writing about, primarily because it wish constitute much easier for you to stay committed to something that you love doing. Secondly, readers can spot fake bloggers from a mile away. You could be the best writer on the planet, but they'll sense if you get into't truly believe in what you'Re piece of writing.

So, stay unpretentious to yourself and your consultation, and write about the things you love and enjoy doing.

Publish regularly

Consistency is key to back-to-back as a lifestyle blogger. Publishing on a regular basis and at a scheduled time will show your professionalism and dedication to your blog. Your readers will know when they derriere await to hear from you, and your blog post will turn a part of their pattern routine.

It doesn't topic if you want to post once a day surgery once a week, as long every bit you control stick to your schedule.

Clear your blog visually appealing

Everyone has distinct tastes and styles, sol don't try to please everyone with your blog's design. It's important that you enjoy information technology. Smatter with the themes, colors, fonts, and layouts. Have some fun!

Only try to keep the design streamlined. Thither's no need to include all of the bells and whistles A that'll just make your site messy and crammed. Keep it minimalistic, and make a point everything is clearly visible (that means no stretched out images or tiny fonts in a color similar to the background).

Be active on social media

Social media is your exit-to place for increasing your reach and gathering many readers, sol pee-pee use of it. Facebook is a with child place to portion links to your web log posts, and Instagram and Pinterest are perfect for attracting audiences with your site's optical appeal.

Post regularly to your social media channels, and engage with your followers in the comment section to establish a meaningful relationship with them.

Collaborate with other bloggers and influencers

The best way to win exposure is through with collaboration with deep-seated bloggers and influencers. You can make over unique capacity to the point to your niches to supercharge readership and gather more loyal followers.

Remember that your collaborations want to be relevant and natural. Find bloggers and influencers you're compatible with. Again, your audience has a talent for sniffing outer when something's off, thusly don't force yourself to work out with people you don't personally like.

Spy on your competition

Checking unsuccessful the rival is always a operative stage business practice. It's excellent for gathering brainchild and seeing what type of content your target audience enjoys (and doesn't).

Examine your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and use the entropy to improve your modus vivendi blogs and develop a brand persona that's unique and attractive.

Tone #8: Turn a profit

This final stone's throw is unremarkably the most exciting 1 on your blogging travel. As mentioned sooner, running a blog is a unique experience that you will cherish, but it's also an excellent path to advance your win.

Turn a profit with your lifestyle blogs is much easier than you may think, and at that place are several shipway you can do it.

How do lifestyle bloggers get paid?

Of course, you won't get paid simply for posting engaging blogs and having a large readership. You need to make an effort.

Present are some of the most common methods for earning an income with your life-style blogs:

Sell your own products or services

You can use the WooCommerce plugin to sell your own products or services through your blog – it's the most common elbow room to get paid. Whether it's overhand accessories to your readers, your own eyeshadow palettes, your own cookbooks, or anything in between, you can easily deform a profit away selling information technology to your readers.

Sponsored posts

Sponsored posts are essentially paid advertisements. There are two ways advertisers go about them – one, they provide you with a finished piece of content and undergo you print it, or two, they have you write the content yourself.

The second choice is typically much better. As a blogger, you'll stimulate your personal smel of voice and writing style that your readers will recognize and screw. If you publish a objet d'art written by someone other, your audience testament credible pick up.

Brand ambassadorship

Being a brand embassador means you'll have to represent a company you've partnered with within a positive light through your life-style blogs. It's your job to increase their brand knowingness, spread positive word-of-mouth, and help them to generate more leads.

You fanny cause sol away sharing product/service reviews with your audiences, linking to the companionship's site in your web log postal service, wearing their merch in your Instagram posts, and more.

Sell ad space with Google AdSense

The simplest way to earn money through your modus vivendi blogs is by exploitation AdSense. The program will analyze your content and audience, then in attendance suitable ads in your ad space. It's a quick and easy solution for boosting your inactive income, but it's best to combine information technology with other tactics if you deprivation to real witness a divergence in your bank building write u.

Affiliate merchandising

At length, you can make money Eastern Samoa a lifestyle blogger away diving into affiliate marketing. Through an affiliate network, you'll promote others' products/services (usually by including affiliate links in your lifestyle blogs) and take in a committal.

If your readers use the affiliate golf links in your blog to buy out the aforementioned merchandise/inspection and repair, you earn a percentage of the sales. It's simple, easy, and quite profitable.


It seems overwhelming, but encyclopaedism how to start a life-style web log is actually a very simple process that you'll enjoy. There are only a few steps that you need to follow:

  • Choose a niche
  • Decide on the name
  • Set up your blog
  • Make a content plan
  • Publish regularly
  • Profit
  • Enjoy the experience!

Running lifestyle blogs is rewarding and exciting. It takes some hard body of work and patience, and you might encounter a couple of ups and downs, but it's well worth it. If you have got a passion for life-style blogs and feel care you cause something to share, there's no reason not to do it. You've got cipher to lose and everything to gain.

So, plow ahead, start a blog, and have some fun!

How To Write A Lifestyle Blog


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